Deprivation of liberty Safeguards Awareness
Course duration – 3 Hours
This course can be delivered via zoom or at your premises
Aims & Objectives
To provide an overview of the MCA and DOLS and the implications they have for the service user and service provider, Explain what the function of the MCA is, Be able to describe the 5 core principles of the MCA, Understand how to assess somebody for lack of capacity, Know what is expected of you within your role, Know what an IMCA is, Have some knowledge of LPA’s, EPA’s, Advance Decisions Explain what Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards means and how it applies to you and your work.
At the end of this course your staff will be able to
- To provide an overview of the MCA and DOLS and the implications they have for the service user and service provider,
- Explain what the function of the MCA is, Be able to describe the 5 core principles of the MCA,
- Understand how to assess somebody for lack of capacity,
- Know what is expected of you within your role, Know what an IMCA is,
- Have some knowledge of LPA’s, EPA’s, Advance Decisions
- Explain what Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards means and how it applies to you and your work.